Thursday, April 16, 2015

What's in a neem?

Neem is a tree that originated in India and thrives in poor soil and damaged areas, which sounds perfect for our Georgia red clay except that it loves hot weather (up to 120F) and can tolerate infrequent cold spells (down to 35F). Every part of the tree is used in Ayurvedic medicine, an alternative medicine from India.

The more I learn about this tree, the more I incorporate it in my bath and body products. It does everything, but raise the dead. It's used:

*to eliminate internal and external parasites,
*for dental health,
*as an insect repellant (for chewing and sucking
*as an antibacterial, antiviral and anti-fungal agent,
*to eliminate dandruff, lice and scalp problems,
*as a blood purifier,
*for malarial treatment,
*for heart disease and hypertension,
*to heal ulcers,
*to alleviate arthritis and inflammation,
*for Diabetes,
*for pneumonia,
*for acne and other skin problems
*as a spermicidal (DO NOT ingest this if you are
    pregnant or are trying to conceive)

The picture above is of neem leaf powder that I bought for $3.79 at an Indian grocery store. You can also purchase it online. I use neem oil or powder in my "Shampooch" bar (dog shampoo bar) and in some bath products. (See links below. I have more in the pipeline that I'll be listing for sale soon.)
You may have seen neem insecticide in the garden section of stores. While this repels and eventually kills bad bugs, it's harmless for people, pets and beneficial bugs. Amazing!

When an insect ingests it, its hormonal system is messed up, causing the bug to forget to eat or mate. Eventually, the population dies out. So, if you can endure the time it takes, you will be rewarded with a bug-free yard that's also toxic-free.

You can make a paste of the powder and use it to treat acne, or make it into a tea to treat intestinal problems. Its uses are versatile, a good staple item to have in your medicine drawer.

Thankful to Him "who richly supplies us with all things to enjoy" and to be healthy. (I Tim. 6:17)

I'd like to hear your experience with neem, if you've used it.

Underarm lotion stick: - See more at:

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