Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Just a thought

Yesterday someone told me the story of a man in his forties who set out to ride his bike. He probably snapped his water bottle onto his belt, donned his helmet, said "See you later" to his wife and took off as he had so many times before. Except this time he didn't return. A car knocked him off his bike and another one ran him over. His wife was probably making dinner when she got the news.

Sometimes things happen that we aren't prepared for--so untimely. In times like these, I rehearse what my last exchange was with that person. Any regrets? Occasionally. Sometimes I wish I'd said, "I love you" one more time, or hadn't made that unkind remark.

I know it's late for a New Year's resolution, but we can make one any time we want. I want to treat others as if I may never see them again. That doesn't mean I'm going to sob on their necks every time we say "Bye," but to endeavor to end that exchange with a smile.

What does that have to do with real estate? Not much and yet so much. Whether I'm kissing my husband as he leaves for work, or telling the kids to clean their rooms, or taking a client to see houses, I will finish with a smile. Sometimes life is shorter than we think. I want to make the best of it for me and for others.

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